21 May 2023

Today marks the first anniversary of the Albanese Labor Government and my election as the Member for Cunningham. 

Twelve months ago, Australia turned away from the Coalition’s mess and mismanagement, choosing a government with a positive plan that would grow the economy, create new jobs, boost renewable energy and invest in skills and training.

I know that families and businesses in our community are under the pump, that why the centrepiece of the Albanese Labor Government’s second Budget is a $14.6 billion cost-of-living package over four years that will ease pressure on Australians while putting downward pressure on inflation.

A plan that tackles the cost of living and creates more opportunities for more Australians by investing in health and aged care, energy transformation, skills, advancing women’s economic equality and delivering better government services.

For the past 365 days I have not wasted a second in fighting and delivering for our community, including: 

  • $9 million to support Hysata to develop new facilities to deliver low-cost hydrogen in Port Kembla.
  • $10 million to establish an Energy Futures Skills Centre located at the University of Wollongong, so we have the skilled workforce to build the grid of the future.
  • Cheaper Child Care for 5700 families in Cunningham.
  • $2.5 million for a Renewable Energy Training facility at Wollongong TAFE to support training in renewable energy technologies.
  • Just over $29 million for 936 extra places announced for the University of Wollongong.
  • $1 million to support the University of Wollongong to find ways to keep Australia’s grid secure through the renewable energy transformation.
  • Delivering $1 million for the Illawarra Legal Centre.
  • Investing $500,000 in community batteries in Warrawong making renewable energy available to some of the most vulnerable in our community. 
  • Securing a Wollongong Urgent Care Clinic to help ease the pressure on our local hospital emergency departments.
  • Funding upgrades for local schools including, Bellambi Public School, Nareena Hills Public School, Wollongong West, Farmborough Road Public school Waniora Public School, Woonona East Public School, Coledale Public School, Tarrawanna Public School and St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary school.  

In March we took Wollongong to world, with the Illawarra Clean Energy Expo at Parliament House, with close to 20 local exhibitors promoting the Illawarra’s skills, capabilities and opportunities when it comes to renewable energy and advanced manufacturing. 

This is on top of the Albanese Labor Government’s plan to build for the future while delivering real cost of living relief:

  • Making medicines cheaper and more accessible.
  • Delivering 180,000 fee-free TAFE places.
  • Securing a pay rise for Aged Care workers.
  • Investing more than $40 billion to make Australia a renewable energy superpower. 
  • $2 billion for Hydrogen Headstart, providing revenue support for large-scale renewable hydrogen projects through competitive hydrogen production contracts.
  • Providing up to $10,000 to each person who takes up a New Energy Apprenticeship.
  • Passing legislation to improve Paid Parental Leave.
  • Establishing 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave.
  • Advancing a Voice to Parliament.
  • Delivering a National Anti-Corruption Commission.
  • Delivering an increase in the minimum wage.
  • Approving over $16bn in renewable energy infrastructure in NSW, VIC & TAS through Rewiring the Nation.
  • Passing the Safeguard Mechanism to bring down emissions from our biggest emitters.
  • Establishing the $15bn National Reconstruction Fund to ensure Australia is a country that makes things.
  • Passing legislation to help close the gender pay gap.
  • Establishing a Net Zero Authority to support workers in emissions-intensive sectors to access new employment, skills and support.
  • Enabling an additional $2 billion in financing for more social and affordable housing through National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation.
  • Helping 1.1 million Australians with the rising cost of rent by increasing the maximum rates of Commonwealth Rent Assistance by 15 per cent.
  • Helping more people into home ownership by expanding eligibility for the Home Guarantee Scheme.
  • Providing an additional $67.5 million to states and territories to help tackle homelessness.
  • Offering incentives to increase build-to-rent accommodation.

In my first speech to the Parliament I promised I would never let the Illawarra be ignored, I’m proud of what the Albanese Labor Government has achieved so far but there is more to do.

I care about people, I care about their jobs, and I care about our environment. This drives me everyday as your federal Member of Parliament and I am proud that the Albanese Government’s first year of delivery reflects these values.