20 May 2024


The Hon Catherine King MP
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government

The Hon Kristy McBain MP
Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories

The Hon Stephen Jones MP
Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services
Member for Whitlam

Alison Byrnes MP
Federal Member for Cunningham

The Hon Jenny Aitchison MP
NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads 

The Hon Ryan Park MP
Minister for Health, Minister for Regional Health, and Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast 

The Hon Paul Scully MP
NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces
Member for Wollongong



The Albanese and Minns Labor Governments remain committed to delivering the Mount Ousley Interchange along the M1 Princes Motorway, which will improve the safety and commute time of this busy road network in the Illawarra.

An additional $72 million is being delivered to this high-priority project through the 2024-25 Federal Budget, bringing the total Australian Government commitment to $312 million.

The Minns Government is also investing $78 million towards the $390 million project.

When complete, the new Mount Ousley Interchange will include southbound heavy vehicle bypass lanes and safety ramps, a commuter carpark, and a shared path and vehicle overpass for improved access between Mount Ousley Road, M1 Princes Motorway and the University of Wollongong.

Major work is expected to start in late 2024 and the project is expected to take about four years to complete, weather permitting.

The Australian Government has also committed $5 million to undertake a final business case on improving the safety and resilience of the M1 Princes Motorway at Mount Ousley, with planning works expected to be completed by mid-2027.

An estimated five million tonnes of freight travel the M1 Princes Motorway each year, as one of the main road freight corridors to and from the Illawarra-Shoalhaven region.

The funding is part of over $3.1 billion towards vital land transport infrastructure projects in NSW in the recent Federal Budget.

This includes over $2.5 billion to upgrade important road and rail infrastructure and supports planning for future projects.

It also includes nearly $580 million to help ensure the delivery of existing projects.

The Government’s total infrastructure commitment to NSW over the next 10 years is $20.8 billion, including $17.7 billion in major road and rail projects, and $3 billion for smaller projects through programs such as the Roads to Recovery and Black Spot programs.

For more information, visit:


Quote attributable to Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister, Catherine King:

“This new and additional funding is great news for the more than 50,000 motorists who travel through the base of Mount Ousley each day, who are now another step closer to safer and faster journeys.

“We are committed to ensuring delivery of this critical piece of infrastructure, which will not only improve travel times for motorists but also provide safer journeys and support growing freight movements to the south coast.”


Quotes attributable to Federal Regional Development and Local Government Minister, Kristy McBain:

“The M1 Princes Motorway at Mount Ousley is a busy and vital route for tourists, locals and the freight industry in the Illawarra region, which is why we’re committed to reducing congestion and delays.

“This additional funding from the Albanese Labor Government is part of our commitment to upgrading regional road networks to ensure they’re fit-for-purpose, connect regional people to economic opportunities, and keep motorists and hard-working truckies safe.”


Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Cunningham, Alison Byrnes:

“It’s great to see the Albanese Labor Government supporting vital commuter and freight corridors in our region, improving connectivity between the Illawarra and Greater Sydney.  

“An additional $77 million for the Mount Ousley interchange and $72.5 million for upgrades to Appin Road ensures our region can continue to grow our local industry and provide world class steel to homes across the country.”


Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Whitlam, Stephen Jones:

“The Albanese Government’s Budget is delivering for the Illawarra. This additional $72 million in funding for Mount Ousley Road will ensure locals are better connected to and from Sydney.

“We know Mount Ousley Road is used frequently by trucks and motorists. This Budget investment is all about improving safety for everyone.”


Quotes attributable to NSW Roads Minister, John Graham:

“The Albanese and Minns governments’ major partnership to invest in this critical project for the Illawarra and south coast region demonstrates our shared commitment to significantly improve the M1 Princes Motorway at Mount Ousley.

“This a busy and vital route for visitors to the region, locals, business and the freight industry, which is why we are getting on with the job of getting key upgrades built.”


Quotes attributable to NSW Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast, Ryan Park:

“The new Mount Ousley Interchange is a critical piece of infrastructure for the Illawarra region – a project that will provide work and training opportunities for up to 450 people throughout construction. 

“This major improvement is one of my priorities as Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast and something I’ve advocated for our community for over a long time.

“I’m very excited by every milestone in this project that gets us closer to achieving a safer and more efficient journey for the 50,000 motorists who travel along this route each day.”


Quotes attributable to NSW Member for Wollongong, Paul Scully:

“This additional funding – which builds on the $78 million NSW has injected towards this project, provides Wollongong locals with certainty.

“It’s a project we’ve long wanted to see get underway, because improving access from the M1 Princes Motorway and the Wollongong CBD will unlock economic opportunities and make this busy road network safer.”